About Us

Our Teachers

All teachers affiliated with the Edmonton Suzuki Flute and Recorder Society have registered teacher training with the Suzuki Association of the Americas (SAA). Under the mentorship of SAA registered Teacher Trainer Kathleen Schoen, they work together to provide many program options to meet student needs. Read more …

Our Mandate

Our Board of Directors

Suzuki Method

Shinichi Suzuki was a Japanese violinist who pioneered a method of using a language-learning model for music instruction. He never called it the “Suzuki” method – that came later when its success made it very popular. He called it the “mother-tongue” method because the stages of learning were very carefully modeled on the stages of language acquisition in young children. This made the method ideal for teaching very young children to play a musical instrument…  Read more…

ESFRS Program

The ESFRS season begins in late August with the Borealis Suzuki Winds Institute. This is a week that is set aside for daily lessons and classes, instead of the usual weekly lessons and classes that happen during the school year.  Once September begins, the schedule shifts to lessons and classes once a week. The year is roughly divided into three terms: Fall (Sept – Dec.) Winter (Jan.-March) and Spring (April-June). Each term ends with one or more concert events. Individual lessons may continue through July depending on each teacher’s individual schedule, but there are no group classes or concerts scheduled in order to leave teachers and students free to travel to other Suzuki Institutes that happen all over North America around this time.


ESFRS is operated by volunteer Board of Directors, etc. Followed by links to

  • Meeting Minutes (link)
  • PD for teachers (link)
  • SAA Code of ethics (link)