The objects of the Edmonton Suzuki Flute & Recorder Society are:
- To foster music education for children so that they can make full use of their abilities, encouraging and promoting the development of an appreciation of music.
- To develop and encourage practical methods of teaching of the flute and the recorder among children, adopting the aims of the Shinichi Suzuki philosophy and method.
- To engage and train teachers in the Suzuki philosophy and method.
- To acquire by gift or purchase equipment, instruments and instructional aids to carry out the above objects.
- To do all things consistent with the above objects and necessary to carry out the objects of the Society.
- To establish scholarships and provide financial assistance to persons desiring to pursue studies in flute or recorder pedagogy and/or performance, with an emphasis on using the Suzuki philosophy and method.
- To lease, purchase or acquire facilities to house the Society and provide space for its activities.
- To raise funds to achieve the objects of the Society. This includes accepting gifts, donations, grants, legacies, bequests and inheritances.
All ESFRS policies adhere to the Suzuki Association of the Americas Aspirational Code of Ethics