All ESFRS policies adhere to the Suzuki Association of the Americas Aspirational Code of Ethics
Part of the mandate of the ESFRS is to assist flute and recorder teachers to attend SAA approved teacher training courses, or to present such courses locally as part of an ongoing teacher professional development program. A portion of the ESFRS budget is assigned every year for this purpose. In this way we ensure that the teachers working with the ESFRS have the best possible training in the Suzuki method of music instruction.
Teacher PD Policy and Expectations
The teacher understands that in order to be an effective Suzuki method teacher a great deal of ongoing education is required. The teacher will strive to remain current with the Suzuki method and model life long learning by fulfilling the following obligations:
Reading books, articles, and papers, and bringing them to the attention of the other teachers in the program. These may be on general topics related to leadership, pedagogy, education, parenting or psychology as well as instrument or Suzuki specific topics. If articles are available on-line please provide links to post them on the ESFRS Facebook page and website.
Participating in all in-house PD programs every year. This includes individual Teaching Strategies sessions, or equivalent.
Participating in Parents as Partners and other on-line conferences when they are provided by the SAA.
Completing and registering a minimum recommendation of one short term teacher training course every 3 years. Short term training includes Unit training, SPA, Practicum, or Level 1 Certificate (courses may be repeated – this is encouraged by SAA as part of ongoing training)
Attending the SAA Conference or Leadership Retreat a recommended minimum of once every 5 years.
Taking advantage of other professional development opportunities as they occur, such as auditing or participating in masterclasses with visiting artists, performing and touring, recording, private lessons, and other activities of a professional musical nature.
Any teachers who are SAA Teacher Trainers would fulfill these obligations by maintaining their Trainer status with the SAA. PD requirements for trainers include the above requirements in addition to presenting at conferences, publishing articles and teaching materials, organizing institutes and workshops, Board service, etc.
In the event of circumstances that prevent a teacher from meeting these PD obligations, the situation will be reviewed by the Music Director. The Music Director may either recommend that alternative PD activities can be substituted for missing ones, or that the teacher’s agreement with ESFRS not be renewed. These recommendations would be presented to the Board of Directors for approval before implementation.
The Board of Directors of ESFRS understands that this level of professional development requires financial support. Therefore ESFRS provides a PD fund, the goal of which is to subsidize up to:
- 75% of travel, accommodation, and tuition for short term training (SAA scholarships also available – see SAA website for application information)
- 100% of travel and accommodation for the SAA Conference or Leadership Retreat
- SAA and ESFRS membership: 100% of membership fees
- Funding for teachers up to 50% of tuition for any non-Suzuki training will be made available if there are funds remaining after all Suzuki training has been covered. Each request for funding needs to be approved on a case-by-case basis.
Receipts for payment and records of successful course completion (if applicable) must be submitted before any reimbursements are issued.
This level of subsidy may be pro-rated if the available funds cannot cover the full amount for all the teachers who make application for PD funds in a given year. ESFRS reserves the right to use the PD funds to bring in a teacher trainer to provide short term training locally for all the teachers in lieu of paying for all the teachers to travel elsewhere.